EndoCAS, Center for Computer Assisted Surgery, is a research center on computer-aided surgery at the University of Pisa. The construction of EndoCAS was funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the call for the establishment of centers of excellence.

A team of engineers and computer scientists work closely with doctors and surgeons to develop new devices and technologies for planning, navigating and simulating surgery, using increased reality and virtual reality within major projects funded at Regional, National and European level.

In 2013 EndoCAS received, as the first and only center in Italy, the accreditation by the American College of Surgeons as a training center for surgeons through simulation. In 2016 he successfully received re-accreditation.

At EndoCAS there are the most sophisticated virtual simulators for surgery given by the Arpa Foundation.

In some cases these are excellences, such as the Mimic dV-Trainer for Robotic Surgery, being the first one installed in Italy. In the field of mini-invasive surgery there are four laparoscopic simulators (LapSim of Surgical Science).

To complete the fleet of simulators that for endovascular surgery procedures, the Angio Mentor of Simbionix